Thursday, 2 October 2008

Rent Remixed: A year ago today...

Wow - a year ago today, we had our first preview for the hotly anticipated 'Rent Remixed', directed by the wonderful William Baker. It feels like so long ago now. I'm in Ohio right now, and the weather has suddenly dropped, so I needed my jacket to go out...I reached into the pocket and what do I find...Mimi's handkerchief (that was never actually used in the show, in the end), very strange, as I wonder what it's doing there, I realise...we opened to the public a year ago today...weird huh?

Rent Remixed For those that didn't know, I worked behind the scenes. In rehearsals, I was a production assistant. I also interviewed the cast and made videos for myspace and facebook etc. Then in the run, I operated and programmed a dot matrix system (never thought I would be doing that!). To be honest, the only thing that kept me in the job was the fact that the whole team and cast were bloody lovely people, especially the creatives and the DSM extraordinaire, Jakki. Did I like the show? Yes...Do I miss the show? Not so much...Do I miss the people? Hell yeah!

Rent Remixed

For more information on the show, go here: Rent Remixed

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