Thursday, 30 May 2013

LOVE NEVER DIES - More Musical Movies - Broadway Theatre on avoid!!

Ok...I have another bummer of a show that was filmed on DVD. If you love Andrew Lloyd Webber, you'd love this...if you don't...then burn it...

Broadway Theatre on DVD: LOVE NEVER DIES

broadway theatre on DVD

In short, Andrew Lloyd Webber shouldn't have made this show. As a stand alone show on it's own, I guess it's not too bad, but the problem is, it's a sequel! Yes, a sequel! To the classica musical, Phantom.

The thing is, when you watch it, you get caught up in the story telling being so different to the previous incarnation. We all knew Ben Elton shouldn't be let near a musical since he vomitted on the stage, added a guitar, and called it "We Will Rock You".

You know, just to put it in a nutshell for sucks!

Monday, 27 May 2013

NEVER FORGET - More Musical Movies - Broadway Theatre on DVD

Something a bit different this time, that I feel I must express...This Musical on DVD SUCKS...Don't watch. Bad production. Boring story...zzzzzzzzz

Broadway Theatre on DVD: NEVER FORGET

broadway theatre on DVD

Ok, I confess. This is the DVD I watched last night that bored me so much, I started to think "Hey, I need to blog this, with my Musicals filmed for DVD, to warn people about this one".

Ok, ok, ok, it's a cute show. It's original...but let's not beat about the bush - this show is so boring, and dull. The music is OK, it's the music of Take That. If you're a Take That fan, great. If not, stay away.

I watched the DVD extras about how they made this show. They said that when they were writing it, they didn't want to shoehorn Take That's tunes into the story. What a load of crap! The story is about some guys making a Take That tribute they don't shoehorn the songs, they just SING them, because they are pretending to be Take That, not to help tell the story! Lame! Some of the songs help the story, but mostly, the songs are presented in a "now the boys will sing Take That's song Babe"...puuuuhleeeeeeeeeease...come up with something clever. It's clear the producers wanted to make a Mamma Mia, but ended up making a mamma of a mess!

The cast are fine, there isn't one performer who stands out as an exceptional performance. The story is cheesy. Euuurghhh...don't waste your money on this. Unless you LOVE cheese - then it's riiiiight up your street!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

COMPANY - Musical Movies - Broadway Theatre on DVD

Welcome to more from my selection of Broadway Theatre filmed LIVE. This series of blog posts is dedicated to Broadway Theatre that is on DVD, and has been filmed LIVE. This is not about filmic adaptations of Broadway Theatre. These DVDs will help you feel like you are at the theatre, watching the show.

This page is NOT about Hollywood, it's about BROADWAY...on DVD!

Just wanted to make that clear...kthxbai

Broadway Theatre on DVD: COMPANY

broadway theatre on DVD

I saw this exact production on Broadway in completely knocked me over. The whole cast play instruments, sing and act...the talent is phenomenal. The story is simple, but so beautifully told. There aren't many memorable songs from the show, but what this show perhaps lacks in memorable show tunes, more than makes up for in style, class and exquisite production value.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

SWEENEY TODD - Musical Movies - Broadway Theatre on DVD

Woohoo! I have more Musical Movies on DVD, that were filmed live on Broadway for you. For the next few weeks, here on this blog you will find my recommendations for musicals that have been filmed live and released on DVD, giving you Broadway Theatre on DVD in your very home. Beautiful! I have some DVDs that are just rubbish - and some that should be watched over and over and over and get the idea.


broadway theatre on DVD

Broadway DVDs don't get much better than this. Legend Angela Lansbury, in one of the greatest pieces of Musical Theatre ever...Home entertainment doesn't get much better.

Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a phenomenal musical, and starring Angela Lansbury and George Hearn...DVD musical theatre can't get better, right?


Saturday, 18 May 2013

INTO THE WOODS - Musical Movies - Broadway Theatre on DVD

Musicals Movies. Broadway Theatre on DVD

I thought I would reignite this little blog of mine, and share some of my favourite Musicals that have been filmed live, in Broadway or West End Theatres. The Best Broadway Theatre on DVD. Musical Movies in Your Home!

 More and more recently, musical productions from Broadway and from the West End are being filmed live, and released on DVD, to watch in your own home. How fabtastic is that? (Yes, I said FABtastic). Theatre is fabulous, now you can watch it comfortably from your couch!

Broadway theatre on DVD is a very exciting experience. However, there are some stinker of shows out there to buy on DVD, as well as some DVD that simply must be in your DVD collection. When it comes to Musical Movies, I like to think of myself as an avid fan, and amateur pro - I mean, I'm no critic, but I know what entertains me, right?

So, here we go:

Broadway Theatre on DVD: INTO THE WOODS

 broadway theatre on DVD

I used to own this on video tape, way back when, and now own it on DVD. I've watched it over and over. It is up there as one of the best Broadway Musicals to be released on DVD. Not only is the cast phenomenal, but in terms of production, this show should be watched by everyone.

It's a musical twist on Fairy Tales, when they all collide...when they all go into the woods. Absolutely fantastic musical!